Convert Partition Table GPT to MBR in Ubutnu

Q:  how to convert gpt partation table to mbr ?

Q: Convert GPT to MBR using gdisk 

Step 1: Install gdisk

apt update
apt install gdisk

Step 2: Check disk OS boot from UFI for BIOS

gdisk -l /dev/sdX

Step 3: Convert GPT to MBR
gdisk /dev/sda

Recovery and transformation options (experts only) = Press “r”

Convert GPT into MBR and exit = Press “g”

Print the MBR partition table = Press “p”

Write the MBR partition table to disk and exit = Press “w”

Step 4: Reboot Or partprobe


Step 5: Re-install Grub

apt-get purge grub-common

apt-get instal grub-pc

Reboot Your System


Unknown said...

please change step 4 with step 5
if anyone reboot the system first, the grub will have error

aj hackers said...

apt-get instal grub-pc ❌
apt-get install grub-pc ✅

Linuxtopic said...

Thanks aj

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