07 Using Zones to Manage Incoming Traffic Depending on Source IP or IP Mask or Network | #linuxtopic

how to allow source ip or source network in firewall, allow source in firewall
How to Allow source IP or source network in firewall,

We can use zones to oversee approaching traffic dependent on its source. you add a source to a zone, the zone becomes dynamic and any approaching traffic from that source will be coordinated through it.

If we want to route incoming traffic into a specific source, we will add the source to that zone. The source can be an IP address or Network/IP mask in the Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR) notation.

List all available zones:
firewall-cmd --get-zones

List allowed sources
firewall-cmd  --list-sources
List allowed sources for the required zone:
firewall-cmd --zone=linuxtopic --list-sources

To add source IP in the current zone
firewall-cmd --add-source=
To add source  IP mask or network in the current zone
firewall-cmd --add-source=

To remove  source  IP / IP mask or network in the current zone
firewall-cmd --remove-source=
firewall-cmd --remove-source=

To set the source IP address or IP mask / Network for a specific zone:
firewall-cmd --zone=linuxtopic --add-source=
firewall-cmd --zone=linuxtopic --add-source=

To make the new settings persistent
firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

We make all settings permanent to verify we restart service and checked, all added sources was enabled on linuxtopic zone.

To remove the source IP address or IP mask / Network for a specific zone:
firewall-cmd --zone=linuxtopic --remove-source=
firewall-cmd --zone=linuxtopic --remove-source=
To permanently remove
firewall-cmd --zone=linuxtopic --remove-source= --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=linuxtopic --remove-source= --permanent


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