How to Create 100% Securely AWS Account Using Debit Card | AWS Free Tier Account

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AWS Account
Tags: aws certification,  aws, aws cloud, aws console, aws login, aws training, aws cloud computing, aws server, aws tutorial, aws security, aws free training, aws free, aws full form, what is aws, linuxtopic, aws ec2, aws s3, amazon web services, cloud computing tutorial, aws iam
What is AWS ?

AWS - Amazon Web Service is Cloud Platform that offering over 160+ fully featured services globally.

How to Create a Free Account on AWS ?

There are following steps to Create a free account on AWS.

1 - Open Official Web Site of AWS

Click on Create on Free Account - Button, it will open a Signup form

2 - Fill up Signup form with valid email address, choose password and AWS account name.

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AWS Signup - Linuxtopic
Note: You can click on Sign in if you have already AWS account.

Press Continues button, For Update Contact Information, We will Select Account Type, Two option "Professional and Personal" are available, you can select according to your need, in this tutorial we will select a person.

3 -  Add your Full Name as you like, Phone Number, Select  your country from drug down menu,  Address, City, State, Postal Code then check on the AWS Agreement.

After Fill up all details, Click on "Create Account and Continues" button, it will ask you a Payment Information.

Type Credit / Debit Card details like Number, Expire date, Cardholder name.

Select your billing Address other wise click on use a new address option for add new address.

PAN Card option, As your wish to add them  otherwise select no.

Press on "Secure Submit" It will charge Rs 2 and it is  refundable after 3 - 5 business days. 

After Successfully payment, Confirm your Identity. 

4 - Select your Country Code from Drug down, add your phone number and type Security check 


Press "Contact me", you will received a call from AWS.

5 - Confirm your 4 digit number on your phone keypad.

Complite Video Tutorial

6 - Your Identity has been verified now press "continues"  and select your plan

There are 3 Plan Basic, Developer and Business available on AWS, select your plan according to your need. here we will select a Basic Plan by Click on "Free" Button.

Select your "My role is" and "I am interested in" from drug down menu and press submit button.

Your account has been successfully created, now you can login in your account by click on Sing in button of top right corner.

1 comment

IT said...

Great Article
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