Simple bash script for check network link status

This is simple bash script to check network interface link status we used a if else condition in this script. if network cable not plug shell script will echo disconnected else echo connected.

In Hindi

 In English

Step 1:

install ethtool package
apt-get install ethtool 
Create a file in /usr/local/bin or any other location  with following script
vi  /usr/local/bin/status 
# Bash script created by lokesh 

# For loop start
for status in eth0 eth1 wlan0 wlan1 wlan2 wlan3 

# if condition start
if [[ ! $( ethtool $status | grep -i "Link detected: yes" ) ]]; then

echo "$status Disconnected"
echo "$status Connected"
# if condition end

# for loop end

Explanation :

For loop : 

for status in eth0 eth1 wlan0 wlan1 wlan2 wlan3 

check interface step by step in loop, you can use your interface by replace all 

if else :

if [[ ! $( ethtool $status | grep -i "Link detected: yes" ) ]]; then

for check condition true or false

ethtool = command  
$status = loop variable
grep -i "Link detected: yes"  = grep ethtool outupt


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